
Homeowners Insurance

Protect Your Most Valuable Asset.

Your home is not only your largest investment, but the place where your life happens. Make sure your home is protected with the proper homeowners insurance coverage.  We all think about insurance for a fire or natural disaster, but what about if an accident occurs on your property? 

Our experienced agents will ensure that you understand your policy and everything it covers, as well as recommending other options such as flood, identity theft, sewer backup, mechanical breakdown, etc.  

Is it time to evaluate your homeowners insurance?                      

It is important to speak with your insurance agent when elements of your home change. Often times these home changes require a change with your insurance policy to ensure you are properly protected. Here are just a few of the more common home changes that would necessitate a policy change:

  • Remodel or addition
  • Get married
  • Start a home based business
  • New roof, furnace, or plumbing
  • Move to a different residence
  • New expensive items (jewelry, fine arts, hunting equipment, etc.)

Products offered by Midwest Heritage Insurance Services are not insured by the FDIC or any other Federal Government Agency, are not a deposit or obligation of, or guaranteed by Midwest Heritage, may involve investment risks, including possible loss of principal amount invested, and may lose value.