Fraud Protection

Protect Yourself

Security Tips

While anyone can fall prey to fraud and identity theft, there are many ways to reduce your risk. Guard yourself against fraud and identity theft by reviewing these helpful tips. You can learn more about how to keep your money safe by visiting

What is Identity Theft?

Take the time to read the latest information on Identity Theft and Phishing. Please Read!

Keep your private information private

  • Never give out personal information over the telephone, such as your social security number, date of birth, mother's maiden name, credit card number, bank account numbers or bank PIN code. Midwest Heritage will never request that you submit confidential information over non-secure channels such as e-mail and phone.
  • Keep your social security number, earnings and benefit statements, birth certificate and other personal identification in a safe place.
  • Memorize your social security number and all passwords. Do not record them on any cards or on anything in your wallet or purse.
  • Avoid easy to figure out access and personal ID (PIN) codes.
  • Do not include your driver's license or social security number on your pre-printed checks.
  • Empty your billfold of extra credit cards and IDs or better yet, cancel the ones you do not use and maintain a list, in a secure place, of the ones you do.
  • Never respond to unsolicited requests for your social security number or financial data.

Safeguard your account numbers

  • Beware of mail or telephone solicitations, disguised as promotions offering instant prizes or awards designed solely to obtain your personal information or credit card numbers.
  • Never put your credit card or any other financial account numbers on a postcard or on the outside of an envelope.
  • Store new and cancelled checks in a secure place and shred unnecessary financial documents.
  • Before discarding, shred credit cards, ATM receipts and any pre-approved credit offers you have received but do not plan to use.

Report lost or stolen checks, cards, deposit tickets or statements immediately by calling Midwest Heritage at 1-800-782-0521.

Protect your mail

  • Promptly remove mail from your mailbox after delivery.
  • Deposit outgoing mail in post office collection mailboxes or at a local post office. Do not leave in unsecured mail receptacles.
  • Be conscious of normal receipt of routine financial statement, bills or monthly mailings. Contact sender if they are not received in the mail.

Preventing account fraud

  • Check all credit card and bank statements for accuracy.
  • Pay for online purchases by credit card to ensure you get what you paid for and to limit your liability.
  • Use only secure sites when making online purchases. Secure pages begin with "HTTPS".
  • Sign all new credit cards upon receipt.
  • If you have applied for a new credit card, bank card or have ordered checks and they haven't arrived in a timely manner, call the bank or credit card company involved. Closely monitor expiration dates on credit cards. Contact the issuer if replacement cards are not received prior to the expiration dates.
  • Curtail the use of paper documents. Your Midwest Heritage Banker can discuss the many electronic payment options available, such as free online account access with Internet Banking and free Bill Pay.
  • Obtain copies of your credit reports yearly and check them for accuracy

If you become a victim of fraud or identity theft

  • File a report with the police or U.S. Postal Inspection Service if mail theft is involved.
  • Contact Midwest Heritage, at 1-800-782-0521.
  • Notify all of those with whom you have a financial relationship.
  • Notify credit bureau fraud units.
  • Establish a password for telephone inquirers on credit card accounts.
  • Place a fraud alert on your credit reports.
  • Request bi-monthly copies of your credit report until your case is resolved, which is free to fraud victims.
  • Report all check theft to check verification companies.
  • Check post office for unauthorized change of address requests.
  • Follow-up with all people/organizations you've contacted by writing them letters.  Keep copies of all correspondence.
  • Contact the Social Security Administration's Fraud Hotline.
  • Contact the state office of the Department of Motor Vehicles to see if another license was issued in your name. If so, request a new license and fill out the DMV's complaint form to begin the fraud investigation process.

Where To Get Help

Credit Reporting Bureaus:
Equifax (
Report Fraud...................800-525-6285
Order Credit Report...........800-685-1111

Experian (
Report Fraud..................888-397-3742
Order Credit Report..........888-397-3742

Trans Union (
Report Fraud...................800-680-7289
Order Credit Report..........800-888-4213

Social Security Administration: 
Report Fraud....................800-269-0271
Order Benefits and
Earnings Statement...........800-772-1213

Reporting Fraudulent Check Use 
Check Rite.......................800-766-2748
National Processing Co.......800-526-5380

US Postal Inspection Service

Federal Trade Commission 