What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

posted on Monday, June 27, 2022

Your home is one of your most valuable assets and ensuring it is protected is essential. Today, proof of homeowners insurance is usually a requirement by mortgage companies to receive a loan. Determining the right amount of coverage for something as important as your home can be challenging. Our team of licensed insurance agents are here to guide you through what is standard in a homeowner’s insurance plan, what isn’t covered, the levels of coverage, and when it’s time to reevaluate your homeowner’s insurance policy.

What are the standard homeowner’s insurance elements?

While your homeowner’s insurance policy is unique to you, there are standard elements that most plans provide.

Exterior and interior damage: If your home were to incur damage from covered disasters you will be compensated so you can repair or rebuild your home. In addition, personal belongings like furniture and clothing will also fit under the coverage of homeowners insurance if they were destroyed in a covered disaster.

Liability coverage for injuries and damages: If an accident were to occur on your property or someone else’s, the liability portion of your homeowner’s insurance can provide coverage to cover the costs of damages or injuries. An example of this would be if your kid throws a baseball through your neighbor’s window. Your homeowner’s insurance would provide coverage to pay for the cost of the broken window, even though it’s their property and not yours.

Rental coverage while your home is being repaired: Let’s say your septic tank explodes and your house is rendered inhabitable for six weeks because of the toxic waste. Your homeowner’s insurance policy may cover a stay in a hotel or rental while it’s being repaired.

Interested in getting homeowner’s insurance? Get a quote today from our Midwest Heritage team of licensed insurance agents! Customers that switch to Midwest Heritage save an average of $491/year when bundling their home and auto insurance.   

What doesn’t homeowners insurance cover?

Homeowners insurance typically provides coverage for most incidents your home will incur, but there are a couple incidents that are excluded. These events include natural disasters that are often referred to as “acts of God” and acts of war.

If you live in an area where certain natural disasters, such as flooding, is common, you will need a specific flood policy to cover this disaster.  If you are wondering if you might need an extra homeowner’s insurance policy like flood insurance reach out to our team of experienced insurance agents. Our agents can take a look at your current policy and help you determine what other policies will need.

What are the different levels of coverage?

There are various levels of coverage and settlement options available on a homeowner’s policy.  Some of these coverage options are included in a standard homeowner’s policy, and other coverage options need to be “endorsed” or added onto the policy.  The three standard levels of settlement options on a homeowner’s policy are actual cash value, replacement cost, and guaranteed replacement value.

Actual cash value
Actual cash value is going to provide you coverage for the cost of your house and the value of your personal belongings. When calculating the value of your belongings the insurance company takes into account depreciation. This means the value of your belongings will be determined based on what they are worth today, not necessarily how much you bought them for.

Replacement cost
Replacement cost and actual cash value are very similar. The only difference is that replacement cost does not take into account depreciation for your personal belongings. Meaning you can replace your home and items to their original value.

Guaranteed replacement value
Guaranteed replacement provides the most encompassing coverage. Essentially this policy will cover all the costs to repair or rebuild your home, even if the cost is more than what your policy covers. Not all insurers have a guaranteed replacement value, some only offer an extended replacement value. The extended replacement policy will offer you more coverage than what you purchased, but there is a cap. Usually, these companies will insure your home from 25% to 50% more than your policy limit.

When should you reevaluate your homeowner’s insurance?

It is important to speak with your insurance agent when elements of your home or personal life change. Often these updates require a change to your insurance policy to ensure you are properly protected. Here are just a few of the most updates changes that would necessitate a homeowner’s insurance policy be reviewed:

  • Remodel or addition to your home
  • You get married
  • You start a home based business
  • Installation of a new roof, furnace, or plumbing to your home
  • You move to a different home
  • You purchase new expensive items (jewelry, fine arts, hunting equipment, etc.)

If you’re wondering whether or not you need to reevaluate your current homeowner’s insurance policy our team of insurance agents can take a look at your current policy and talk through any changes you might have had!

FAQs about homeowner’s insurance

  • What is included in homeowner’s insurance?
  • What isn’t covered in homeowner’s insurance?
  • What are the levels of coverage for homeowner’s insurance?
  • When do you need to reevaluate your homeowner’s insurance policy?